Swich | Why Plant Based Posts

Why Plant Based Posts

How to talk about your plant-based diet with loved ones

Whether or not you’re starting to eat more fruits and veggies or adopting a 100% plant-based diet, we have tips to help you share your decision with others.

Thinking about going plant-based? These 17 documentaries are a must-watch!

These 17 eye-opening documentaries about plant-based nutrition will help you make an informed decision.

Because of tomatoes: health benefits, facts & delicious recipes

If you are looking for antioxidants, a heart-healthy snack, and a power source of nutrients, look no further than the tomato!

Because of beets: Amazing health benefits + our top recipes

Beets have a special place in our kitchens. Find out why they stand out just as much on our plates as they do when it comes to what they offer our bodies.

How to transition to a (more) plant-based diet: 5 simple tips

Ready to eat more plants and start reaping the benefits? Here are five tips to make the transition to a plant-based lifestyle smooth and steady.