Swich | Blog - Tips for setting and achieving all your goals this year

Tips for setting and achieving all your goals this year

A new year offers a fresh chance to set personal goals. We hope that your goals for this year include learning to cook and eat more plants, but no matter what you’re focusing on, here are some tips to set you up for success.

Setting goals

  1. Brainstorm for five minutes: Write down a list of goals that you want to achieve. Include absolutely anything that comes to mind.

  2. Refine those goals: Setting timelines is critical for you to be accountable in meeting your goals. Is this something you want to see yourself fully immersed in for five weeks, five months, or five years? Be realistic about what you truly want to achieve and by when.

  3. Review: Go over what you've written and reflect on why it's an important goal for you to achieve. It is imperative to connect this back to a purpose for you. Write down a few sentences to remember why you included this as a goal. 

  4. Break your goals into smaller goals: Are your goals specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Do they have a specific timeframe? Breaking down your goals in this way sets a strong purpose and intention, making them more concrete and easier to achieve. After all, science has proven that doing a little of something each day can make it a lasting habit.

Achieving goals

  1. Visualize goals: Is it a challenging recipe you would like to make one day? Tape an inspirational photo on your mirror, or on the fridge. 

  2. Keep yourself accountable: Tell someone. Whether it's your partner, friend, or a family member—we can all use a little help from our support system. This will help hold you accountable and ensure you have help available when dealing with a roadblock or frustration. Swich members have support from our wonderful global community.

  3. Track your progress: Makes sense, right? Tracking what is working for you and what isn't will help clear the path for you to be successful. The Swich goal tracker is a great tool to use for this. 

  4. Celebrate your successes: Yes to all of this. It's important to acknowledge those big milestones once you achieve them, and reward yourself when you do. If you’re a Swich member, this can include posting your latest creation and watching the hearts and comments come in from your fellow Swichers! 

Through effective goal setting, you will be more focused, accountable, and ultimately, more likely to succeed.

What are your goals for this year? Will you be learning to cook and eat more plants with Swich? Let us know in the comments! 

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Tags: Beyond The Kitchen Learn To Cook A Little A Day
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Debbie F. ( 2yr ) – Be more organised with my meal planning, so I have the ingredients I need at hand.
Also organise my pantry to easily see what I have.

Swich C. ( 2yr ) – Those are great goals! :)

Margaret R. ( 2yr ) – To have a more organised life. To have a set plan for a weeks menu, in order to manage life better

Swich C. ( 2yr ) – Those are great goals!

Jana T. ( 2yr ) – To meal prep and have a menu set out for the week and a month at a time wich gives variety in both Leto and plant based as well as vegetarian and have the menus posted on the fridge and laminated so I could chose what I wish for the week

Swich C. ( 2yr ) – That’s great!

Keepin’ I. ( 2yr ) – My goals are to learn some plant based recipes, and learn how to meal prep

Swich C. ( 2yr ) – Great goals! You’ve come to the right place :)

Marie’s J. ( 2yr ) – I have to push myself to take the steps to a new healthy lifestyle. learn new recipes .. that are healthy for me. Learn to toss out of my mind and heart the old ways of eating.. I must do this.

Swich C. ( 2yr ) – You can do it! And we’re happy you joined Swich!