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How to enjoy cooking in 6 simple steps

We all need to eat, and homemade meals are best, but busy schedules can make cooking more stressful than enjoyable. Until now. We pulled together some simple tips to keep in mind on those days when you just don’t feel like cooking.

How to enjoy cooking even on busy or stressful days 

1. Clear you counter

Always start cooking with a clean, uncluttered kitchen counter. Not only will it help you with a clear mindset, it will save you time and make clean-up that much more efficient. 

For tips on how to prep your kitchen so that you’re more likely to enjoy cooking, check out these posts:

2. Choose healthy and fresh ingredients

How to enjoy cooking: shop for fresh, seasonal ingredients at a farmers market

Fresh ingredients mean elevated flavor and that’s why we emphasize the importance of trying to shop for seasonal produce when you can. Start small and think about beginning to replace dried spices with fresh herbs and produce (like onions, garlic, parsley, basil, limes, and lemons). 

3. Learn how to cut with a chef’s knife

Cooking is definitely more time consuming if you’re a slow cutter or scared of your chef’s knife. Take one of the exercises (free with Swich membership) and learn to cut with confidence:

4. Start with some recipes or meals that are your favorite

How to enjoy cooking: Find plant-based recipe inspiration with the Swich search tool

This might seem like a no-brainer, but we can’t recommend this enough. Start small by preparing meals you are familiar with and that you enjoy the most. 

If you’re a Swich member, we recommend using the search function to find healthy recipes for your favorite cravings. We also recommend reading the comment section because the Swich community always has helpful tips and suggestions! 

These posts offer up some amazing time-saving recipe ideas:

5. Take your time and enjoy your meal with family and friends

How to enjoy cooking: eat a home cooked meal as a family

As you took your time preparing the dish from the very beginning, make sure you take the time at the end to truly enjoy the meal you prepared. You worked hard. You were thoughtful in the presentation and can take pride in the selection of healthy ingredients you pulled together to be enjoyed by not only yourself but also those close to you. Thus, making the experience enjoyable from start to finish. 

6. Focus on the benefits 

There are many benefits to cooking your meals from scratch. It’s more affordable than takeout, and, as we noted above, it’s healthier, and you’re more likely to spend quality time with your loved ones. 

According to chef Patti Jinich cooking can also serve as a form of therapy, something that’s especially important in our increasingly stressful world: “..cooking is a way to nurture yourself and learn things and stay active,” she says. “It’s also therapeutic because when you’re following a recipe, you put your brain to work and you’re focusing on that instead of thinking about the other worries you may have.”

For more on how to enjoy cooking, check out:

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Tags: Cooking Tips
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Michelle H. ( 2yr ) – I love the idea that cooking can serve as a form of therapy and a way to nurture yourself. I find this so true and meaningful. Thank you for sharing .